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Monday Fiction Workshop

Note: I offer the Monday Fiction Workshop only occasionally. I'm working toward a regular once-a-year schedule, but I'm not there quite yet. So it's not scheduled at this time. But one may be announced soon, and I'll make that announcement here on the website. Keep checking in--and in the meantime, I invite you to work with me personally or read my blog "Write a Better Novel," which covers many of the concepts you'll encounter in the Workshop.

Monday Night Fiction Writers' Group

Sharpen your fiction writing skills, through critiques of your work and others'. Learn the fine points of craft that make an almost imperciptible difference between a failed, or just "okay" story and a "good" one.


We will meet weekly for 8 Mondays at my home. Sessions will begin with review of an essential craft element– character, structure, situation, "acts," "plot points," and a way of thinking about craft that builds your ability to release the power and potential in each element.


The ultimate aim is to develop "muscle memory" for story craft and a deep comprehension of how (and why) they interact to work for you–or against you.


You will increase your ability to talk and think about fiction, both your own and others', that translates into articulate strategy for making your story succeed.


To succeed, I'll see to it that we maintain an open, trusting, and constructive environment, marked by mutual respect.



8 Mondays, 7-9:30 pm.

Maximum number of 8 participants.

Fee is $200, payable in advance (your payment will hold your place)